Guided Psilocybin Journey


What to expect

A guided psilocybin journey is a transformative experience that can bring about profound healing and personal growth. This sacred ceremony involves consuming psilocybin mushrooms under the guidance of a trained facilitator in a safe and supportive environment.

Benefits of a guided psilocybin journey may include:

1. Increased self-awareness and introspection

2. Emotional healing and release of past traumas

3. Enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities

4. Spiritual insights and connection to higher consciousness

5. Relief from anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues

6. Greater sense of interconnectedness and unity with the universe


Itinerary for a Psilocybin Ceremony

1. Preparation: Before the ceremony, participants are encouraged to set intentions for their journey and engage in practices such as meditation, journaling, and breathwork to help them connect with their inner selves.

2. Opening circle: The ceremony begins with a group gathering where participants share their intentions and receive guidance from the facilitator. This creates a sense of community and support for the journey ahead.

3. Consumption of psilocybin: Participants are given a dose of psilocybin mushrooms and encouraged to relax and surrender to the experience. The facilitator provides guidance and support throughout the journey.

4. Inner exploration: As the effects of the psilocybin set in, participants are guided to explore their inner landscape, confronting and releasing emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that no longer serve them.

5. Integration: After the peak experience, participants are guided through a process of integration, reflecting on their insights and experiences and finding ways to incorporate them into their daily lives.

6. Closing circle: The ceremony ends with a group sharing where participants can express their gratitude, insights, and intentions for the future. This helps to solidify the transformational effects of the journey.

Overall, a guided psilocybin journey can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing, offering a unique opportunity to explore the depths of the mind and soul in a safe and supportive environment.